Example of String Concatenation
// The append function can be used to extend a C++ string ...
// The next statement is not allowed in Visual C++ 6.0
// but this is a work around ...
char cstring[] = "An array of char";
strE.append(cstring,8); // value is "An array"
strF.append("This is a string");
// string& append( size_type n, char c );
strG.append(10,'*'); // value is "**********"
// The += operator can be used with C++ strings,
// C strings and characters ...
strH += strA;
strI += cstring;
strJ += "Hello";
strK += 'X';
// The + operator can be used with any combination of
// C++ strings, C strings and characters ...
strL = strA + strB;
strM = "Boo" + strB;
strN = strB + "Boo";
strO = '*' + strB;
strP = strB + '*';