# SciTE.properties # # This is a local property file for projects where # all source code is in one folder. # # It puts all class files in a separate folder called # 'classes'. # # It provides a JAR build in the tools menu. # # It is expected to be used with a user priority file # that enables directory folders and provides other # settings. # # A. P. Robson # 14 May 2018 ############################################ # Java command overrides (Tools menu) ############################################ command.compile.*.java=javac -d classes $(FileNameExt) command.build.*.java=javac -d classes *.java command.go.*.java=java -classpath classes $(FileName) command.clean.*.java=\ @echo deleting class folder &\ rd /s/q classes &\ @echo recreating class folder &\ md classes &\ @echo done ######################################################### # JAR build command ######################################################### # Change as required to setup JAR tool, where: # jarname is the name of the JAR file # jarmain is the name of the class with the main method # jarname=helloworld jarmain=HelloWorld command.name.2.*.java=Build JAR command.2.*.java=\ jar cfe $(jarname).jar $(jarmain) -C classes .