# SciTEUser.properties # # This is a user properties file with some settings that are # good for programming. # # It enables directory properties files, and has Linux stdin # fix for Java and Python. # # A.P.Robson # 22 February 2012 ############################################# # Must be in user properties if wanted ############################################# # Directory properties enabled # properties.directory.enable=1 # Output Pane is horizontal # split.vertical=0 clear.before.execute=1 ############################################# # Do not have to be in user properties ############################################# # Save all buffers for build # save.all.for.build=1 # Tabbing is 3 spaces # tabsize=3 indent.size=3 use.tabs=0 # Always use monospace font # font.base=$(font.monospace) font.small=$(font.monospace) font.comment=$(font.monospace) font.text=$(font.monospace) font.text.comment=$(font.monospace) font.embedded.base=$(font.monospace) font.embedded.comment=$(font.monospace) font.vbs=$(font.monospace) # For Java Go command input stream problem # if PLAT_GTK command.name.0.*.java=Go in Terminal command.0.*.java=gnome-terminal -x sh -c "\ $(command.go.*.java);\ echo;\ read -p 'hit enter to close ...' x\ " # For Python Go command input stream problem # if PLAT_GTK command.name.0.*.py=Go in Terminal command.0.*.py=gnome-terminal -x sh -c "\ $(command.go.*.py);\ echo;\ read -p 'hit enter to close ...' x\ "